Call us for your next real estate closing 770-924-1400  •  400 Creekstone Ridge, Woodstock, GA 30188

When consulting a real estate lawyer, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure you have a clear understanding of your situation and the legal aspects involved. So we created a go-to list of some questions to ask at your next meeting with a real estate lawyer:

  1. What is your experience in real estate law, specifically in cases like mine?
  2. Can you provide references or client testimonials from similar cases you’ve handled?
  3. What are the potential legal issues or challenges I may face in my real estate transaction?
  4. How do you charge for your legal services, and what are the expected costs and fees?
  5. Are there any specific laws or regulations that apply to my situation, and how will they affect my case?
  6. Can you explain the process and timeline for my real estate transaction or legal matter?
  7. Do you foresee any potential conflicts of interest in representing me?
  8. What are my rights and responsibilities as a buyer or seller in this transaction?
  9. What due diligence should I perform before proceeding with the real estate transaction?
  10. Can you review the contracts and agreements related to the transaction and explain any legal jargon or potential pitfalls?
  11. Are there any zoning or land use restrictions that could affect my property or plans?
  12. How can you help me with title searches and ensure that the property’s title is clear?
  13. What are the potential risks or liabilities associated with this property, and how can they be mitigated?
  14. Can you assist with negotiations and disputes, such as price negotiations or inspection issues?
  15. What is the process for closing the deal, and what should I expect on the day of closing?
  16. How can you protect my interests if the other party fails to fulfill their obligations?
  17. What is your strategy for resolving disputes or legal issues if they arise during the transaction?
  18. Are there any tax implications or considerations I should be aware of in this transaction?
  19. Do I need any special permits or licenses for my intended use of the property?
  20. What is your availability for communication, and how can I reach you in case of urgent issues or questions?

These questions will help you gauge the real estate lawyer’s expertise and ensure you have a clear understanding of your situation and the legal process ahead. It’s crucial to have open and transparent communication with your lawyer to make informed decisions throughout the real estate transaction.